Michael Park School


Angus Yearbury​
I joined robotics to experience programming and building robots. Before I joined I had little experience and was eager to learn more skills in coding and design.

Dylan Schneider
I joined robotics because I wanted to extend my knowledge on how to program robots. I also enjoy driving a lot.
Jasmyn Mccall​
I wanted to join robotics for new opportunities and experience. I have no experience in coding or building robots and am looking to expand my horizons

Isabel smart
I wanted to start robotics because it was fun and I like building things also I have done programming before and thought this was a good way to learn another programing language. I enjoy the problem solving too.
Saskia Jamieson​
I wanted to join robotics because I wanted to try something new. I had no experience in building or programming and I wanted a new opportunity.

Cody Knight
I joined because I had an interest in the programming world and its fascinating features .and I have heard that building the robots can help my hand-eye coordination

Flynn Mason
I Joined robotics because I’ve always been interested in this sort of thing since I was young and I thought this would give me good experiences for the future.

Hana Mayo
I joined robotics because I like the problem solving and building of it.
Aurelia Pfaff
I joined robotics a few months ago because I saw how fun it was and I am interested in learning programming.

Mr. Craig Yearbury
Mr. Yearbury is our mentor and helps our teams after school on a Wednesdays. He comes to all the scrimmages and is always there for us. He is a Technology teacher at Lynfield Colledge where he looks after another eight VRC teams and two IQ teams.